OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Add search criteria to a thematic map

The upper pane in the Thematic Maps dialog displays search criteria definitions created for a thematic map. Use the options and settings provided here to define one or more search criteria the thematic map uses to render the search results.

  1. Create a new thematic map: Average Area
  2. Select Edit > Add Search > BuildingDataGroup > Space.

    A new search criteria is added.

  3. Select a property to search for: Program area for instance.
  4. Select an operator to narrow the search results: < (less than).
  5. Key in a value for the operator to search for: 250.
  6. Select a color to render the search results with: Blue.

  7. (Optional) Select a predefined Element Template to use to render search results.
  8. Click on the search criteria legend column to build a legend expression.
  9. Repeat steps for a second search criteria:

    Search for: Render Space items whose Program area is >= greater than or equal to 250 Green.

    Note: These two criteria in essence render all the spaces with two colors based on the program area property.